Hojně diskutované akcie
Investování nabízí příležitosti, ale také s sebou nese rizika. LYNX poskytuje komplexní analýzy a přehled trendů a vývoje v různých sektorech, které vám pomohou zvážit jak potenciální příležitosti, tak i možná rizika.
Přečtěte si články o akciích spojených s AI technologiemi, inovativních firmách v biotechnologickém sektoru a společnostech kótovaných na indexech S&P 500, Nasdaq 100, Dow Jones a dalších. Cílem je informovat o situaci na různých trzích po celém světě od Evropy až po USA a Čínu. Poznejte vybrané sektory a akcie a odhalte možné příležitosti i rizika.
Objevte diskutované akcie a jejich specifika:
Sekce Akcie
Události týdne
23:50 hodin
Foreign Bond Investment (Feb/08)
23:50 hodin
Stock Investment by Foreigners (Feb/08)
23:30 hodin
Trade Balance (Dec)
23:00 hodin
Interest Rate Decision
23:00 hodin
Interest Rate Decision (Feb)
23:00 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Jan)
21:45 hodin
Food Inflation (Jan)
21:30 hodin
Fed Balance Sheet (Feb/12)
21:30 hodin
Business NZ PMI (Jan)
21:00 hodin
Import Prices (Jan)
21:00 hodin
Export Prices (Jan)
20:00 hodin
Interest Rate Decision
20:00 hodin
Balance of Trade (Jan)
19:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
19:00 hodin
CPI (Jan)
19:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
18:00 hodin
30-Year Bond Auction
17:00 hodin
5-Year Bond Auction
17:00 hodin
Bundesbank Nagel Speech
17:00 hodin
30-Year Mortgage Rate (Feb/13)
17:00 hodin
15-Year Mortgage Rate (Feb/13)
16:30 hodin
4-Week Bill Auction
16:30 hodin
8-Week Bill Auction
16:00 hodin
Total Household Debt (Q4)
15:45 hodin
2-Year LTN Auction
15:45 hodin
10-Year NTN-F Auction
15:30 hodin
EIA Natural Gas Stocks Change (Feb/07)
13:30 hodin
Continuing Jobless Claims (Feb/01)
13:30 hodin
Core PPI (Jan)
13:30 hodin
Producer Price Index (Jan)
13:30 hodin
Producer Price Index (Jan)
13:30 hodin
Producer Price Index (Jan)
13:30 hodin
PPI Ex Food, Energy and Trade (Jan)
13:30 hodin
PPI Ex Food, Energy and Trade (Jan)
13:30 hodin
Jobless Claims 4-Week Average (Feb/08)
13:30 hodin
Initial Jobless Claims (Feb/08)
13:30 hodin
Continuing Jobless Claims
13:30 hodin
Core PPI (Jan)
13:00 hodin
Auto Sales (Jan)
13:00 hodin
Current Account (Dec)
13:00 hodin
Central Bank Reserves $
13:00 hodin
Auto Production (Jan)
13:00 hodin
Balance of Trade (Dec)
12:30 hodin
NIESR Monthly GDP Tracker (Jan)
12:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
12:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
11:30 hodin
Foreign Exchange Reserves (Feb/07)
11:30 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
11:30 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
11:00 hodin
Imports (Jan)
11:00 hodin
Thomson Reuters IPSOS PCSI (Feb)
11:00 hodin
Interest Rate Decision
11:00 hodin
Trade Balance (Jan)
11:00 hodin
NFIB Business Optimism Index (Jan)
11:00 hodin
Balance of Trade (Jan)
11:00 hodin
Thomson Reuters IPSOS PCSI (Feb)
11:00 hodin
Thomson Reuters IPSOS PCSI (Feb)
11:00 hodin
Interest Rate
11:00 hodin
Thomson Reuters IPSOS PCSI (Feb)
11:00 hodin
Thomson Reuters IPSOS PCSI (Feb)
11:00 hodin
Thomson Reuters IPSOS PCSI (Feb)
11:00 hodin
Thomson Reuters IPSOS PCSI (Feb)
11:00 hodin
Thomson Reuters IPSOS PCSI (Feb)
11:00 hodin
Thomson Reuters IPSOS PCSI (Feb)
11:00 hodin
Thomson Reuters IPSOS PCSI (Feb)
11:00 hodin
Thomson Reuters IPSOS PCSI (Feb)
11:00 hodin
Exports (Jan)
11:00 hodin
Thomson Reuters IPSOS PCSI (Feb)
11:00 hodin
Thomson Reuters IPSOS PCSI (Feb)
10:45 hodin
Current Account (Dec)
10:10 hodin
BTP Auction
10:10 hodin
3-Year BTP Auction
10:10 hodin
7-Year BTP Auction
10:00 hodin
Industrial Production (Dec)
10:00 hodin
Industrial Production (Dec)
10:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Dec)
10:00 hodin
European Commission Winter Forecasts
10:00 hodin
Industrial Production (Dec)
10:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Dec)
09:30 hodin
Gold Production (Dec)
09:30 hodin
Producer Price Index (Jan)
09:30 hodin
Current Account (Dec)
09:30 hodin
Mining Production (Dec)
09:30 hodin
Mining Production (Dec)
09:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
09:00 hodin
IEA Oil Market Report
09:00 hodin
Gross Domestic Product (Q4)
09:00 hodin
Gross Domestic Product (Q4)
09:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
09:00 hodin
ECB Economic Bulletin
09:00 hodin
Current Account (Dec)
08:55 hodin
Bundesbank Balz Speech
08:40 hodin
ECB Cipollone Speech
08:00 hodin
Current Account (Dec)
08:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:30 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:30 hodin
Industrial Production (Dec)
07:30 hodin
CPI (Jan)
07:30 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Gross Domestic Product (Q4)
07:00 hodin
NIESR Monthly GDP Tracker (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Gross Domestic Product (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Trade Balance (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Gross Domestic Product (Q4)
07:00 hodin
Gross Domestic Product (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Goods Trade Balance Non-EU (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Producer Price Index
07:00 hodin
Producer Price Index (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Goods Trade Balance (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Producer Price Index
07:00 hodin
Producer Price Index (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Industrial Production (Dec)
07:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
07:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
07:00 hodin
GDP 3-Month Avg (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Balance of Trade (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Interest Rate Decision
07:00 hodin
07:00 hodin
07:00 hodin
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Manufacturing Production (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Manufacturing Production (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Business Investment
07:00 hodin
Business Investment (Q4)
07:00 hodin
Business Investment
07:00 hodin
Industrial Production (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Industrial Production (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Industrial Production (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Business Investment (Q4)
07:00 hodin
Current Account (Dec)
07:00 hodin
CPI (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Construction Output (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Construction Output (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Construction Orders (Q4)
06:00 hodin
Machine Tool Orders (Jan)
06:00 hodin
Car Sales (Jan)
05:30 hodin
CPI (Jan)
23:00 hodin
Unemployment Rate
20:30 hodin
CFTC Switzerland Speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC Wheat speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC EUR speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC GBP speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC Gold Speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC Japan Speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC JPY speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC Mexico Speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC MXN speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC Nasdaq 100 speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC Natural Gas speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC New Zealand Speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC NZD speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC Palladium Speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC Platinum Speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC Silver Speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC Soybeans speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC S&P 500 speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC United Kingdom Speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC Aluminium Speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC AUD speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC Australia Speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC Brazil Speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC BRL speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC CAD speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC Canada Speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC CHF speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC Copper Speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC Corn speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC Crude Oil speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC European Union Speculative net positions
20:00 hodin
Fed Logan Speech
18:00 hodin
Consumer Confidence (Jan)
18:00 hodin
Industrial Production (Dec)
18:00 hodin
Atlanta Fed GDPNow (Q1)
18:00 hodin
Baker Hughes Oil Rig Count (Feb/14)
18:00 hodin
Baker Hughes Oil Rig Count
18:00 hodin
Baker Hughes Total Rig Count (Feb/14)
16:30 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
16:30 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
16:08 hodin
CPI (Jan)
16:08 hodin
Trade Balance (Dec)
16:08 hodin
CPI (Jan)
16:08 hodin
CPI (Jan)
16:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
16:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
15:30 hodin
Senior Loan Officer Survey
15:30 hodin
Balance of Trade (Dec)
15:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Dec)
15:00 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Jan)
15:00 hodin
Unemployment Rate
15:00 hodin
Balance of Trade (Dec)
15:00 hodin
Trade Balance (Dec)
15:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
15:00 hodin
Retail Inventories Ex Autos (Dec)
15:00 hodin
Business Inventories (Dec)
15:00 hodin
Consumer Confidence (Jan)
15:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
15:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
15:00 hodin
Industrial Production (Dec)
15:00 hodin
Imports (Dec)
15:00 hodin
Gross Domestic Product (Dec)
14:30 hodin
BoC Senior Loan Officer Survey
14:15 hodin
Industrial Production (Jan)
14:15 hodin
Manufacturing Production (Jan)
14:15 hodin
Industrial Production (Jan)
14:15 hodin
Manufacturing Production (Jan)
14:15 hodin
Capacity Utilization (Jan)
14:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
14:00 hodin
Balance of Trade (Dec)
14:00 hodin
Balance of Trade (Dec)
14:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
13:30 hodin
Export Prices (Jan)
13:30 hodin
Export Prices (Jan)
13:30 hodin
Import Prices (Jan)
13:30 hodin
Import Prices (Jan)
13:30 hodin
Manufacturing Sales (Dec)
13:30 hodin
New Motor Vehicle Sales (Dec)
13:30 hodin
Retail Sales Ex Autos (Jan)
13:30 hodin
Retail Sales Ex Gas/Autos (Jan)
13:30 hodin
Retail Sales (Jan)
13:30 hodin
Retail Sales (Jan)
13:30 hodin
Vehicle Sales
13:30 hodin
Vehicle Sales (Dec)
13:30 hodin
Wholesale Sales (Dec)
13:00 hodin
Interest Rate Decision
12:00 hodin
Food Inflation (Jan)
12:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
12:00 hodin
Current Account (Dec)
12:00 hodin
CBR Press Conference
12:00 hodin
CPI (Jan)
12:00 hodin
Interest Rate Decision
11:30 hodin
Deposit Growth (Jan/31)
11:30 hodin
Foreign Exchange Reserves (Feb/07)
11:30 hodin
Bank Loan Growth (Jan/31)
11:15 hodin
Business Confidence (Q4)
11:00 hodin
Private Consumption (Jan)
11:00 hodin
Gross Domestic Product (Jan)
11:00 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Q4)
11:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
11:00 hodin
Building Permits (Dec)
11:00 hodin
Economic Activity (Jan)
10:30 hodin
Interest Rate Decision
10:30 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Q4)
10:30 hodin
Interest Rate Decision (Feb)
10:05 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
10:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:00 hodin
Employment Change (Q4)
10:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
10:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
10:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:00 hodin
CPI (Jan)
10:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
10:00 hodin
Gross Domestic Product (Q4)
10:00 hodin
Employment Change (Q4)
10:00 hodin
Balance of Trade (Dec)
10:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:00 hodin
Gross Domestic Product (Q4)
10:00 hodin
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:00 hodin
09:30 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
09:30 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
09:15 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
09:15 hodin
Balance of Trade (Jan)
09:15 hodin
Exports (Jan)
09:15 hodin
Imports (Jan)
09:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
09:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
09:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
09:00 hodin
CPI (Jan)
09:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
09:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
09:00 hodin
Industrial Production (Jan)
09:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
09:00 hodin
M1 Money Supply (Jan)
09:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
09:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:30 hodin
Gross Domestic Product (Q4)
08:30 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
08:30 hodin
Gross Domestic Product (Q4)
08:30 hodin
Household Consumption (Dec)
08:30 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
08:15 hodin
08:15 hodin
Trade Balance (Jan)
08:15 hodin
08:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
08:00 hodin
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hodin
Balance of Trade (Dec)
08:00 hodin
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hodin
Gross Domestic Product (Q4)
08:00 hodin
08:00 hodin
Core Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
08:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hodin
CPI (Jan)
08:00 hodin
07:30 hodin
Producer Price Index (Jan)
07:30 hodin
Currency Swaps
07:30 hodin
Construction Output (Dec)
07:30 hodin
Producer & Import Prices (Jan)
07:30 hodin
Producer & Import Prices (Jan)
07:30 hodin
Producer Price Index (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:00 hodin
CPI (Jan)
07:00 hodin
CPI (Jan)
07:00 hodin
CPI (Feb)
07:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Wholesale Prices (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Wholesale Prices (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Gross Domestic Product (Q4)
07:00 hodin
Gross Domestic Product (Dec)
07:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
07:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
06:30 hodin
WPI Food (Jan)
06:30 hodin
WPI Food Index (Jan)
06:30 hodin
WPI Inflation (Jan)
06:30 hodin
WPI Manufacturing (Jan)
06:30 hodin
WPI Fuel (Jan)
06:00 hodin
Gross Domestic Product (Q4)
06:00 hodin
Balance of Trade (Dec)
06:00 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Q4)
06:00 hodin
Gross Domestic Product (Dec)
06:00 hodin
Unemployment Rate
06:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
06:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
05:30 hodin
Trade Balance (Dec)
05:30 hodin
Balance of Trade (Dec)
05:00 hodin
50-Year KTB Auction
12:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
12:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
10:00 hodin
M3 Money Supply (Jan)
10:00 hodin
Foreign Exchange Reserves (Jan)
09:30 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hodin
Gross Domestic Product (Jan)
23:55 hodin
Exports (Jan)
23:55 hodin
Imports (Jan)
23:55 hodin
Trade Balance (Jan)
23:50 hodin
GDP Growth Annualized (Q4)
23:50 hodin
GDP Capital Expenditure (Q4)
23:50 hodin
Gross Domestic Product (Q4)
23:50 hodin
Gross Domestic Product (Q4)
23:50 hodin
GDP Private Consumption (Q4)
23:50 hodin
GDP Price Index (Q4)
23:50 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
23:50 hodin
GDP External Demand (Q4)
21:45 hodin
Visitor Arrivals (Dec)
21:30 hodin
Composite NZ PCI (Jan)
21:30 hodin
Services NZ PSI (Jan)
16:30 hodin
6-Month Bill Auction
10:30 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Q4)
06:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
06:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
06:00 hodin
Wholesale Prices (Jan)
06:00 hodin
CPI (Jan)
16:30 hodin
3-Month Bill Auction
16:00 hodin
Gross Domestic Product (Q4)
16:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
16:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
16:00 hodin
ISE Economic Activity (Dec)
16:00 hodin
Gross Domestic Product (Q4)
15:00 hodin
Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
15:00 hodin
Services PMI (Jan)
14:30 hodin
Fed Harker Speech
14:30 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
14:30 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
14:00 hodin
6-Month BTF Auction
14:00 hodin
3-Month BTF Auction
14:00 hodin
12-Month BTF Auction
13:30 hodin
Foreign Securities Purchases by Canadians (Dec)
13:30 hodin
Foreign Securities Purchases (Dec)
13:15 hodin
Housing Starts (Jan)
12:50 hodin
Industrial Production (Jan)
12:10 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
12:00 hodin
CPI (Jan)
12:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
12:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
12:00 hodin
IBC-BR Economic Activity (Dec)
11:30 hodin
BCB Focus Market Readout
11:00 hodin
Money Supply (Dec)
11:00 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Jan)
11:00 hodin
IGP-10 Inflation Index (Feb)
11:00 hodin
Gross Domestic Product (Q4)
11:00 hodin
Balance of Trade (Dec)
10:30 hodin
M2 Money Supply (Dec)
10:30 hodin
12-Month Bubill Auction
10:30 hodin
Private Sector Credit (Dec)
10:00 hodin
Balance of Trade (Dec)
10:00 hodin
Producer Price Index (Dec)
10:00 hodin
Foreign Exchange Reserves (Jan)
10:00 hodin
M3 Money Supply (Jan)
10:00 hodin
Balance of Trade (Dec)
10:00 hodin
Trade Balance (Dec)
09:30 hodin
Balance of Trade (Jan)
09:30 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
09:00 hodin
Trade Balance (Dec)
09:00 hodin
Industrial Production (Jan)
09:00 hodin
Balance of Trade (Dec)
09:00 hodin
Balance of Trade (Dec)
08:00 hodin
Gross Domestic Product (Jan)
08:00 hodin
CPI (Jan)
08:00 hodin
Core Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hodin
Core Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hodin
Budget Balance (Jan)
08:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Employed Persons (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Trade Balance (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Balance of Trade (Jan)
05:00 hodin
10-Year KTB Auction
23:50 hodin
Machinery Orders (Dec)
23:50 hodin
Balance of Trade (Jan)
23:50 hodin
Trade Balance (Jan)
23:50 hodin
Exports (Jan)
23:50 hodin
Imports (Jan)
23:50 hodin
Machinery Orders (Dec)
21:45 hodin
PPI Output (Q4)
21:45 hodin
Producer Price Index (Q4)
21:30 hodin
API Crude Oil Stock Change (Feb/14)
21:00 hodin
Foreign Bond Investment (Dec)
21:00 hodin
Net Long-Term TIC Flows (Dec)
21:00 hodin
Overall Net Capital Flows (Dec)
19:00 hodin
Balance of Trade (Jan)
17:00 hodin
NOPA Crush Report
16:30 hodin
6-Month Bill Auction
16:30 hodin
3-Month Bill Auction
16:30 hodin
52-Week Bill Auction
16:00 hodin
Producer Price Index (Jan)
16:00 hodin
Producer Price Index (Jan)
15:00 hodin
NAHB Housing Market Index (Feb)
15:00 hodin
Global Dairy Trade Price Index (Feb/18)
13:55 hodin
Redbook (Feb/15)
13:30 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
13:30 hodin
CPI (Jan)
13:30 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
13:30 hodin
NY Empire State Manufacturing Index (Feb)
13:30 hodin
Core Inflation Rate (Jan)
13:30 hodin
Core Inflation Rate (Jan)
13:00 hodin
Interest Rate Decision
12:15 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
12:15 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
11:30 hodin
Total Credit (Dec)
11:30 hodin
M2 Money Supply (Dec)
11:30 hodin
Gross Domestic Product (Jan)
11:00 hodin
Producer Price Index (Jan)
11:00 hodin
Producer Price Index (Jan)
10:30 hodin
Construction Output (Dec)
10:30 hodin
2-Year Schatz Auction
10:15 hodin
Current Account (Q4)
10:00 hodin
ZEW Economic Sentiment Index (Feb)
10:00 hodin
40-Year Treasury Gilt Auction
10:00 hodin
Balance of Trade (Dec)
10:00 hodin
Current Account (Dec)
10:00 hodin
Economic Sentiment (Feb)
10:00 hodin
Economic Sentiment (Feb)
10:00 hodin
ZEW Current Conditions (Feb)
10:00 hodin
ZEW Economic Sentiment Index (Feb)
09:30 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Q4)
09:30 hodin
Labour Productivity (Q3)
09:30 hodin
Unemployed Persons (Q4)
09:30 hodin
Labour Productivity (Q4)
08:30 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Jan)
07:45 hodin
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:45 hodin
07:45 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:45 hodin
CPI (Jan)
07:45 hodin
07:45 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:45 hodin
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:30 hodin
Industrial Production (Q4)
07:00 hodin
Claimant Count Change (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:00 hodin
HMRC Payrolls Change (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Employment Change (Dec)
07:00 hodin
CPI (Jan)
07:00 hodin
CPIF (Jan)
07:00 hodin
CPIF (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Average Earnings incl. Bonus (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Average Earnings excl. Bonus (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Average Earnings excl. Bonus (3Mo/Yr) (Dec)
05:30 hodin
RBA Press Conference
05:00 hodin
MAS 12-Week Bill Auction
05:00 hodin
MAS 4-Week Bill Auction
23:50 hodin
Stock Investment by Foreigners (Feb/15)
23:50 hodin
Foreign Bond Investment (Feb/15)
21:00 hodin
Producer Price Index (Jan)
21:00 hodin
Producer Price Index (Jan)
21:00 hodin
Consumer Confidence (Feb)
19:00 hodin
FOMC Minutes
18:00 hodin
20-Year Bond Auction
17:30 hodin
Business Confidence (Feb)
16:30 hodin
Wholesale Prices (Jan)
16:30 hodin
17-Week Bill Auction
15:30 hodin
Atlanta Fed GDPNow (Q1)
13:30 hodin
Housing Starts (Jan)
13:30 hodin
Housing Starts (Jan)
12:00 hodin
MBA Mortgage Market Index (Feb/14)
12:00 hodin
MBA Mortgage Refinance Index (Feb/14)
12:00 hodin
MBA Purchase Index (Feb/14)
12:00 hodin
Current Account (Q4)
12:00 hodin
MBA 30-Year Mortgage Rate (Feb/14)
12:00 hodin
MBA Mortgage Applications (Feb/14)
11:30 hodin
Gross Domestic Product (Q4)
11:30 hodin
M3 Money Supply (Feb)
11:30 hodin
Gross Domestic Product (Q4)
11:10 hodin
6-Month Bill Auction
11:10 hodin
3-Month Bill Auction
11:00 hodin
CPI (Jan)
11:00 hodin
GDP Growth Annualized (Q4)
11:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
11:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
11:00 hodin
Resi Prop Prices (Dec)
11:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
11:00 hodin
Resi Prop Prices (Dec)
11:00 hodin
Residential Property Prices (Dec)
11:00 hodin
Residential Property Prices (Dec)
11:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:30 hodin
10-Year Bund Auction
10:00 hodin
Consumer Confidence (Jan)
10:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:00 hodin
Current Account (Dec)
10:00 hodin
4-Year Treasury Gilt Auction
09:00 hodin
Current Account (Dec)
09:00 hodin
Current Account (Dec)
09:00 hodin
Current Account s.a (Dec)
08:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hodin
ECB Non-Monetary Policy Meeting
08:00 hodin
ECB Non-Monetary Policy Meeting
08:00 hodin
Industrial Production (Dec)
08:00 hodin
Core Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hodin
CPI (Jan)
08:00 hodin
Core Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:30 hodin
Lending Facility Rate (Feb)
07:30 hodin
Deposit Facility Rate (Feb)
07:30 hodin
Interest Rate Decision
07:00 hodin
Core Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Core Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:00 hodin
PPI Core Output (Jan)
07:00 hodin
PPI Core Output (Jan)
07:00 hodin
PPI Input (Jan)
07:00 hodin
PPI Input (Jan)
07:00 hodin
PPI Output (Jan)
07:00 hodin
PPI Output (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Balance of Trade (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Core RPI (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Core RPI (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Retail Price Index (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Retail Price Index (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Q4)
07:00 hodin
CPI (Jan)
06:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
06:00 hodin
CPI (Jan)
06:00 hodin
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
06:00 hodin
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
06:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
05:30 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
23:30 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
23:30 hodin
Core Inflation Rate (Jan)
23:30 hodin
CPI (Jan)
23:30 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
23:30 hodin
Inflation Rate Ex-Food and Energy (Jan)
23:00 hodin
Reuters Tankan Index (Feb)
22:00 hodin
Services PMI (Feb)
22:00 hodin
Manufacturing PMI (Feb)
22:00 hodin
PMI (Feb)
21:45 hodin
Trade Balance (Jan)
21:45 hodin
Balance of Trade (Jan)
21:45 hodin
Imports (Jan)
21:45 hodin
Exports (Jan)
21:30 hodin
Interest Rate Decision
21:30 hodin
Fed Balance Sheet (Feb/19)
21:00 hodin
Business Confidence (Feb)
21:00 hodin
Balance of Trade (Jan)
20:00 hodin
Cement Production (Dec)
18:00 hodin
30-Year TIPS Auction
17:00 hodin
30-Year Mortgage Rate (Feb/20)
17:00 hodin
15-Year Mortgage Rate (Feb/20)
17:00 hodin
EIA Gasoline Production Change (Feb/14)
17:00 hodin
EIA Distillate Stocks Change (Feb/14)
17:00 hodin
EIA Distillate Fuel Production Change (Feb/14)
17:00 hodin
EIA Cushing Crude Oil Stocks Change (Feb/14)
17:00 hodin
Fed Musalem Speech
17:00 hodin
EIA Crude Oil Stocks Change (Feb/14)
17:00 hodin
EIA Crude Oil Imports Change (Feb/14)
17:00 hodin
2-Year Bond Auction
17:00 hodin
EIA Refinery Crude Runs Change (Feb/14)
17:00 hodin
EIA Heating Oil Stocks Change (Feb/14)
17:00 hodin
EIA Gasoline Stocks Change (Feb/14)
16:30 hodin
8-Week Bill Auction
16:30 hodin
4-Week Bill Auction
16:00 hodin
Interest Rate Decision
16:00 hodin
Overnight Lending Rate
15:30 hodin
EIA Natural Gas Stocks Change (Feb/14)
15:00 hodin
Monetary Policy Meeting Minutes
15:00 hodin
Consumer Confidence (Feb)
15:00 hodin
Leading Index (Jan)
15:00 hodin
Consumer Confidence (Feb)
14:35 hodin
Fed Goolsbee Speech
14:30 hodin
Central Government Debt (Jan)
14:00 hodin
Consumer Confidence (Feb)
13:30 hodin
Philadelphia Fed Manufacturing Index (Feb)
13:30 hodin
Initial Jobless Claims (Feb/15)
13:30 hodin
Philly Fed Employment (Feb)
13:30 hodin
Philly Fed CAPEX Index (Feb)
13:30 hodin
New Housing Price Index (Jan)
13:30 hodin
Raw Materials Prices (Jan)
13:30 hodin
Producer Price Index (Jan)
13:30 hodin
Raw Materials Prices (Jan)
13:30 hodin
Producer Price Index (Jan)
13:30 hodin
Continuing Jobless Claims (Feb/08)
13:30 hodin
Continuing Jobless Claims
13:30 hodin
Jobless Claims 4-Week Average (Feb/15)
13:30 hodin
New Housing Price Index (Jan)
13:30 hodin
Philly Fed Business Conditions (Feb)
13:30 hodin
Philly Fed Prices Paid (Feb)
13:30 hodin
Philly Fed New Orders (Feb)
12:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
12:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
12:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
12:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
12:00 hodin
Inflation Expectations (Feb)
11:30 hodin
Foreign Exchange Reserves (Feb/14)
11:30 hodin
Current Account (Dec)
11:00 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Jan)
11:00 hodin
CPI (Jan)
11:00 hodin
TCMB Interest Rate Decision
11:00 hodin
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
11:00 hodin
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
11:00 hodin
11:00 hodin
11:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
11:00 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Jan)
11:00 hodin
Building Permits (Dec)
11:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
11:00 hodin
OAT Auction
10:35 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
10:00 hodin
Interest Rate Decision
10:00 hodin
Construction Output (Dec)
10:00 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Jan)
10:00 hodin
Consumer Confidence (Feb)
10:00 hodin
Construction Output (Dec)
10:00 hodin
Tourist Arrivals (Jan)
10:00 hodin
Construction Output (Dec)
09:40 hodin
Obligacion Auction
09:40 hodin
Bonos Auction
09:30 hodin
Consumer Confidence (Feb)
09:15 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
09:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
09:00 hodin
Construction Output (Dec)
09:00 hodin
Corporate Sector Wages (Jan)
09:00 hodin
Current Account (Dec)
09:00 hodin
Employment Growth (Jan)
09:00 hodin
Industrial Production (Jan)
09:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
09:00 hodin
Producer Price Index (Jan)
08:30 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:30 hodin
CPI (Jan)
08:30 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:20 hodin
Current Account (Q4)
08:00 hodin
Export Orders (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Producer Price Index (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Producer Price Index (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Balance of Trade (Jan)
07:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
07:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
07:00 hodin
New Car Registrations (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Interest Rate Decision
07:00 hodin
Gross Domestic Product (Q4)
07:00 hodin
Producer Price Index (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Gross Domestic Product (Q4)
07:00 hodin
Trade Balance (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Capacity Utilization (Q4)
07:00 hodin
Business Confidence (Feb)
07:00 hodin
Leading Business Cycle Indicator (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Current Account (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Consumer Confidence (Feb)
07:00 hodin
Consumer Confidence (Feb)
06:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
06:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
05:30 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Jan)
05:30 hodin
Consumer Confidence (Feb)
21:00 hodin
Interest Rate Decision
20:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
18:00 hodin
Baker Hughes Oil Rig Count (Feb/21)
18:00 hodin
Baker Hughes Oil Rig Count
18:00 hodin
Baker Hughes Total Rig Count (Feb/21)
17:45 hodin
BoC Gov Macklem Speech
17:00 hodin
Balance of Trade (Jan)
15:00 hodin
Existing Home Sales (Jan)
15:00 hodin
Existing Home Sales
15:00 hodin
Michigan Inflation Expectations (Feb)
15:00 hodin
Michigan Consumer Sentiment (Feb)
15:00 hodin
Michigan Consumer Expectations (Feb)
15:00 hodin
Michigan 5 Year Inflation Expectations (Feb)
15:00 hodin
Michigan Current Conditions (Feb)
15:00 hodin
Inflation Expectations (Feb)
14:45 hodin
S&P Global Services PMI (Feb)
14:45 hodin
S&P Global Manufacturing PMI (Feb)
14:45 hodin
S&P Global Composite PMI (Feb)
13:30 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
13:30 hodin
Federal Tax Revenues (Jan)
13:30 hodin
Retail Sales Ex Autos (Dec)
13:30 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
13:30 hodin
Retail Sales (Jan)
12:30 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
12:30 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
12:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
12:00 hodin
Gross Domestic Product (Q4)
12:00 hodin
Economic Activity (Dec)
12:00 hodin
Gross Domestic Product (Q4)
12:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
12:00 hodin
Economic Activity (Dec)
11:30 hodin
Foreign Exchange Reserves (Feb/14)
11:00 hodin
Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
11:00 hodin
Wholesale Prices (Jan)
11:00 hodin
Overnight Lending Rate (Feb)
11:00 hodin
Overnight Borrowing Rate (Feb)
11:00 hodin
Producer Price Index (Jan)
11:00 hodin
CBI Industrial Trends Orders (Feb)
11:00 hodin
Wholesale Prices (Jan)
11:00 hodin
Producer Price Index (Jan)
11:00 hodin
Producer Price Index (Jan)
10:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:00 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Dec)
10:00 hodin
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
09:30 hodin
S&P Global Services PMI (Feb)
09:30 hodin
S&P Global Manufacturing PMI (Feb)
09:30 hodin
S&P Global Composite PMI (Feb)
09:00 hodin
09:00 hodin
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
09:00 hodin
09:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
09:00 hodin
HCOB Composite PMI (Feb)
09:00 hodin
CPI (Jan)
09:00 hodin
HCOB Manufacturing PMI (Feb)
09:00 hodin
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
09:00 hodin
HCOB Services PMI (Feb)
09:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:30 hodin
HCOB Composite PMI (Feb)
08:30 hodin
HCOB Manufacturing PMI (Feb)
08:30 hodin
HCOB Services PMI (Feb)
08:15 hodin
HCOB Services PMI (Feb)
08:15 hodin
HCOB Composite PMI (Feb)
08:15 hodin
HCOB Manufacturing PMI (Feb)
08:00 hodin
Consumer Confidence (Feb)
08:00 hodin
Business Confidence (Feb)
08:00 hodin
CPI (Jan)
08:00 hodin
08:00 hodin
08:00 hodin
M2 Money Supply (Jan)
08:00 hodin
Money Supply (Jan)
08:00 hodin
Producer Price Index (Jan)
08:00 hodin
Total Credit Growth (Jan)
07:45 hodin
Business Climate Indicator (Feb)
07:45 hodin
Business Confidence (Feb)
07:30 hodin
Deposit Facility Rate (Feb)
07:20 hodin
Loan Growth (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Retail Sales Ex Fuel (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Industrial Production (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Industrial Inventories (Q4)
07:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Public Sector Net Borrowing (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Industrial Production (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Retail Sales Ex Fuel (Jan)
07:00 hodin
FDI (YTD) YoY (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Public Sector Net Borrowing Ex Banks (Jan)
06:00 hodin
Exports (Dec)
06:00 hodin
Balance of Trade (Dec)
06:00 hodin
Imports (Dec)
05:00 hodin
HSBC Composite PMI (Feb)
05:00 hodin
HSBC Services PMI (Feb)
05:00 hodin
HSBC Manufacturing PMI (Feb)
21:45 hodin
Retail Sales (Q4)
21:45 hodin
Retail Sales (Q4)
11:00 hodin
Industrial Production (Dec)
11:00 hodin
Manufacturing Production (Dec)
10:00 hodin
Balance of Trade (Dec)
18:00 hodin
2-Year Note Auction
18:00 hodin
Leading Indicator (Jan)
17:00 hodin
Producer Price Index (Jan)
16:30 hodin
3-Month Bill Auction
16:30 hodin
6-Month Bill Auction
15:30 hodin
Dallas Fed Manufacturing Index (Feb)
14:00 hodin
12-Month BTF Auction
14:00 hodin
3-Month BTF Auction
14:00 hodin
6-Month BTF Auction
14:00 hodin
Business Confidence (Feb)
14:00 hodin
Interest Rate Decision
14:00 hodin
Interest Rate Decision (Feb)
14:00 hodin
NBB Business Confidence (Feb)
13:30 hodin
Chicago Fed National Activity Index (Jan)
13:30 hodin
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
13:15 hodin
BoC Gravelle Speech
13:00 hodin
M3 Money Supply (Jan)
12:00 hodin
Producer Price Index (Jan)
12:00 hodin
Mid-month Core Inflation Rate (Feb)
12:00 hodin
Mid-month Core Inflation Rate (Feb)
12:00 hodin
Mid-month Inflation Rate (Feb)
12:00 hodin
Mid-month Inflation Rate (Feb)
12:00 hodin
CPI (Feb)
11:30 hodin
BCB Focus Market Readout
11:10 hodin
Producer Price Index (Jan)
11:00 hodin
FGV Consumer Confidence (Feb)
11:00 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Q4)
10:45 hodin
EU Bond Auction
10:30 hodin
3-Month Bubill Auction
10:30 hodin
9-Month Bubill Auction
10:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:00 hodin
10:00 hodin
10:00 hodin
Core Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:00 hodin
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:00 hodin
CPI (Jan)
10:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
09:30 hodin
Business Confidence (Feb)
09:00 hodin
Ifo Business Climate (Feb)
09:00 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Jan)
09:00 hodin
Ifo Expectations (Feb)
09:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Jan)
09:00 hodin
Ifo Current Conditions (Feb)