Obchodování s opcemi: Průvodce pro začátečníky
Vše o obchodování opcí pro začátečníky. Objevte základy opcí a naučte se první kroky, jak obchodovat opce úspěšně, ještě než uděláte své první opční obchody.
Opce jsou velmi atraktivním instrumentem pro obchodování na burzovních trzích a mohou být použity mnoha různými způsoby. Obchodování opcí však není tak jednoduché, jak by se mohlo na první pohled zdát. Vyžaduje pokročilé znalosti fungování opcí. Na této stránce vám vysvětlíme co jsou opce, jaký je rozdíl mezi call a put opcí a přiblížíme vám důležité termíny jako je long, short, doba expirace nebo realizační cena, se kterými se při obchodování opcí běžně setkáte.
Opce pro začátečníky: Vše co musíte vědět o opcích
Sekce Opce
Události týdne
21:45 hodin
Building Permits (Dec)
20:00 hodin
Treasury Refunding Financingimates
16:30 hodin
3-Month Bill Auction
16:30 hodin
6-Month Bill Auction
16:00 hodin
Foreign Exchange Reserves (Jan)
15:30 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
15:00 hodin
ISM Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
15:00 hodin
Construction Spending (Dec)
15:00 hodin
Davivienda Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
15:00 hodin
ISM Manufacturing Employment (Jan)
15:00 hodin
ISM Manufacturing New Orders (Jan)
15:00 hodin
ISM Manufacturing Prices (Jan)
14:45 hodin
S&P Global Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
14:30 hodin
S&P Global Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
14:00 hodin
3-Month BTF Auction
14:00 hodin
12-Month BTF Auction
14:00 hodin
6-Month BTF Auction
13:00 hodin
SIPMM Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
13:00 hodin
S&P Global Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
12:15 hodin
Tax Revenue (Jan)
12:00 hodin
Industrial Production (Dec)
12:00 hodin
Industrial Production (Dec)
11:30 hodin
BCB Focus Market Readout
11:30 hodin
Foreign Exchange Reserves (Jan)
11:15 hodin
Business Confidence (Q4)
10:25 hodin
M2 Money Supply (Dec)
10:25 hodin
Private Sector Credit (Dec)
10:00 hodin
Foreign Exchange Reserves (Dec)
10:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:00 hodin
Interest Rate Decision
10:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
10:00 hodin
Core Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:00 hodin
CPI (Jan)
09:30 hodin
S&P Global Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
09:00 hodin
ABSA Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
09:00 hodin
S&P Global Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
09:00 hodin
M2 Money Supply (Dec)
09:00 hodin
HCOB Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
08:55 hodin
HCOB Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
08:50 hodin
HCOB Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
08:45 hodin
Stanbic IBTC Bank Nigeria PMI (Jan)
08:45 hodin
HCOB Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
08:30 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
08:30 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
08:30 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
08:30 hodin
procure.ch Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
08:30 hodin
S&P Global Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
08:15 hodin
HCOB Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
08:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hodin
Tourist Arrivals (Dec)
08:00 hodin
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hodin
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hodin
IPC-Fipe Inflation (Jan)
08:00 hodin
S&P Global Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
08:00 hodin
Unemployment Change (Jan)
07:30 hodin
Swedbank Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
07:00 hodin
BCR Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Istanbul Chamber of Industry Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:00 hodin
S&P Global Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:00 hodin
PPI (Dec)
06:00 hodin
S&P Global Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
06:00 hodin
NEVI Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
05:30 hodin
Commodity Prices (Jan)
05:00 hodin
HSBC Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
23:50 hodin
BoJ Summary of Opinions
23:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
23:00 hodin
Industrial Production (Dec)
23:00 hodin
Industrial Production (Dec)
22:00 hodin
Judo Bank Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
11:15 hodin
Balance of Trade (Jan)
23:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
23:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
20:30 hodin
CFTC Switzerland Speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC United Kingdom Speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC Aluminium Speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC Australia Speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC Brazil Speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC Canada Speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC Copper Speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC European Union Speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC Gold Speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC Japan Speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC Mexico Speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC New Zealand Speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC Palladium Speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC Platinum Speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC Silver Speculative net positions
20:00 hodin
Cement Production (Dec)
18:15 hodin
Overnight Lending Rate
18:00 hodin
Baker Hughes Oil Rig Count (Jan/31)
18:00 hodin
Interest Rate Decision
18:00 hodin
Baker Hughes Total Rigs Count (Jan/31)
18:00 hodin
Balance of Trade (Dec)
17:30 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Q4)
17:00 hodin
M2 Money Supply (Dec)
17:00 hodin
New Car Registrations (Jan)
17:00 hodin
New Car Registrations (Jan)
16:00 hodin
Industrial Production (Dec)
16:00 hodin
Balance of Trade (Dec)
16:00 hodin
Budget Balance (Nov)
15:50 hodin
Current Account (Dec)
15:30 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Dec)
15:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
15:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
14:45 hodin
Chicago PMI (Jan)
13:30 hodin
PCE Price Index (Dec)
13:30 hodin
PCE Price Index (Dec)
13:30 hodin
Core PCE Price Index (Dec)
13:30 hodin
Core PCE Price Index (Dec)
13:30 hodin
Personal Income (Dec)
13:30 hodin
Personal Spending (Dec)
13:30 hodin
Employment Cost - Benefits (Q4)
13:30 hodin
Employment Cost Index (Q4)
13:30 hodin
Employment Cost - Wages (Q4)
13:30 hodin
GDP (Dec)
13:30 hodin
GDP (Nov)
13:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
13:00 hodin
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
13:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
13:00 hodin
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
12:00 hodin
Manufacturing Production (Dec)
12:00 hodin
PPI (Dec)
12:00 hodin
Balance of Trade (Dec)
12:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
12:00 hodin
Copper Production (Dec)
12:00 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Dec)
12:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
12:00 hodin
Industrial Production (Dec)
12:00 hodin
PPI (Dec)
11:50 hodin
New Car Sales (Jan)
11:30 hodin
Deposit Growth (Jan/17)
11:30 hodin
Bank Loan Growth (Jan/17)
11:30 hodin
Infrastructure Output (Dec)
11:30 hodin
Nominal Budget Balance (Dec)
11:30 hodin
Foreign Exchange Reserves (Jan/24)
11:30 hodin
IMACEC Economic Activity (Dec)
11:00 hodin
Industrial Production (Dec)
11:00 hodin
Balance of Trade (Dec)
11:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
11:00 hodin
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
11:00 hodin
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
11:00 hodin
Industrial Production (Dec)
11:00 hodin
Industrial Production (Dec)
11:00 hodin
Industrial Production (Dec)
11:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
11:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
11:00 hodin
PPI (Dec)
11:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
11:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
11:00 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Jan)
10:45 hodin
Wholesale Prices (Jan)
10:45 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:45 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:30 hodin
PPI (Dec)
10:30 hodin
Government Budget Value (Dec)
10:15 hodin
Total New Vehicle Sales (Jan)
10:00 hodin
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:00 hodin
PPI (Dec)
10:00 hodin
PPI (Dec)
10:00 hodin
PPI (Dec)
10:00 hodin
Balance of Trade (Dec)
10:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Nov)
10:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:00 hodin
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
09:30 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
09:30 hodin
New Car Registrations (Jan)
09:25 hodin
Foreign Exchange Reserves (Jan)
09:00 hodin
Brandenburg CPI (Jan)
09:00 hodin
Unemployed Persons (Jan)
09:00 hodin
Hesse CPI (Jan)
09:00 hodin
Hesse CPI (Jan)
09:00 hodin
Baden Wuerttemberg CPI (Jan)
09:00 hodin
Full Year GDP Growth (2025)
09:00 hodin
Unemployed Persons (Jan)
09:00 hodin
Economic Sentiment Index (Jan)
09:00 hodin
DNB Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
09:00 hodin
M3 Money Supply (Dec)
09:00 hodin
Current Account (Nov)
09:00 hodin
Saxony CPI (Jan)
09:00 hodin
North Rhine Westphalia CPI (Jan)
09:00 hodin
North Rhine Westphalia CPI (Jan)
09:00 hodin
Saxony CPI (Jan)
09:00 hodin
Brandenburg CPI (Jan)
09:00 hodin
Bavaria CPI (Jan)
09:00 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Jan)
09:00 hodin
Bavaria CPI (Jan)
09:00 hodin
Baden Wuerttemberg CPI (Jan)
09:00 hodin
Registered Jobless Rate (Jan)
08:55 hodin
Unemployed Persons (Jan)
08:55 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Jan)
08:55 hodin
Unemployment Change (Jan)
08:15 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
08:00 hodin
Balance of Trade (Dec)
08:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
08:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
08:00 hodin
PPI (Dec)
08:00 hodin
Consumer Confidence (Jan)
08:00 hodin
Construction Output (Dec)
08:00 hodin
Industrial Production (Dec)
08:00 hodin
Economic Activity (Dec)
08:00 hodin
HALPIM Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
08:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hodin
Tourist Arrivals (Dec)
08:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
08:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
08:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
07:45 hodin
PPI (Dec)
07:45 hodin
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:45 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:45 hodin
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:45 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:45 hodin
PPI (Dec)
07:30 hodin
Business Confidence (Jan)
07:30 hodin
PPI (Dec)
07:30 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
07:30 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
07:30 hodin
Retail Sales (Nov)
07:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Imports (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Tourism Revenues (Q4)
07:00 hodin
Nationwide Housing Prices (Jan)
07:00 hodin
M3 Money Supply (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Exports (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:00 hodin
GDP (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Balance of Trade (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Private Investment (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Private Consumption (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Import Prices (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Import Prices (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Current Account (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Nationwide Housing Prices (Jan)
06:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
06:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
06:00 hodin
Current Account (Q4)
05:30 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
05:30 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
05:00 hodin
Housing Starts (Dec)
05:00 hodin
Business Confidence (Q4)
05:00 hodin
Construction Orders (Dec)
23:50 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
23:50 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
23:50 hodin
Industrial Production (Dec)
23:50 hodin
Industrial Production (Dec)
23:30 hodin
Tokyo CPI (Jan)
23:30 hodin
Tokyo Core CPI (Jan)
23:30 hodin
Tokyo CPI Ex Food and Energy (Jan)
23:30 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Dec)
23:30 hodin
Jobs/applications ratio (Dec)
21:30 hodin
Fed Balance Sheet (Jan/29)
21:00 hodin
ANZ Roy Morgan Consumer Confidence (Jan)
19:00 hodin
Fiscal Balance (Dec)
17:30 hodin
Net Payrolls (Dec)
17:00 hodin
30-Year Mortgage Rate (Jan/30)
17:00 hodin
15-Year Mortgage Rate (Jan/30)
16:30 hodin
8-Week Bill Auction
16:30 hodin
4-Week Bill Auction
15:30 hodin
EIA Natural Gas Stocks Change (Jan/24)
15:00 hodin
Pending Home Sales (Dec)
15:00 hodin
Pending Home Sales (Dec)
14:00 hodin
Interest Rate Decision
14:00 hodin
M2 Money Supply (Dec)
14:00 hodin
M3 Money Supply (Dec)
14:00 hodin
Private Bank Lending (Dec)
13:45 hodin
ECB Press Conference
13:30 hodin
Initial Jobless Claims (Jan/25)
13:30 hodin
Jobless Claims 4-week Average (Jan/25)
13:30 hodin
Core PCE Prices (Q4)
13:30 hodin
Continuing Jobless Claims (Jan/18)
13:30 hodin
Real Consumer Spending (Q4)
13:30 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
13:30 hodin
PCE Prices (Q4)
13:30 hodin
GDP Price Index (Q4)
13:30 hodin
GDP Sales (Q4)
13:30 hodin
Average Weekly Earnings (Nov)
13:15 hodin
ECB Interest Rate Decision
13:15 hodin
Deposit Facility Rate
13:15 hodin
Marginal Lending Rate
13:00 hodin
Interest Rate Decision
13:00 hodin
Prime Overdraft Rate
12:15 hodin
Business Confidence (Jan)
12:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
12:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
12:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
12:00 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Dec)
11:30 hodin
Foreign Exchange Reserves (Jan/24)
11:00 hodin
Industrial Sales (Nov)
11:00 hodin
Wholesale Prices (Dec)
11:00 hodin
Industrial Sales (Nov)
11:00 hodin
MPC Meeting Summary
11:00 hodin
Wholesale Prices (Dec)
11:00 hodin
IGP-M Inflation (Jan)
10:30 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:30 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:30 hodin
Budget Balance (Dec)
10:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
10:00 hodin
Consumer Confidence (Jan)
10:00 hodin
Consumer Inflation Expectations (Jan)
10:00 hodin
Current Account (Q3)
10:00 hodin
Economic Sentiment (Jan)
10:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
10:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
10:00 hodin
Industrial Production (Dec)
10:00 hodin
Industrial Production (Nov)
10:00 hodin
Industrial Sentiment (Jan)
10:00 hodin
PPI (Dec)
10:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
10:00 hodin
Selling Price Expectations (Jan)
10:00 hodin
Services Sentiment (Jan)
10:00 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Dec)
10:00 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Dec)
10:00 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Dec)
09:30 hodin
PPI (Dec)
09:30 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
09:30 hodin
Net Lending to Individuals (Dec)
09:30 hodin
Consumer Confidence (Jan)
09:30 hodin
PPI (Dec)
09:30 hodin
M4 Money Supply (Dec)
09:30 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
09:30 hodin
Mortgage Approvals (Dec)
09:30 hodin
Mortgage Lending (Dec)
09:30 hodin
BoE Consumer Credit (Dec)
09:30 hodin
Business Confidence (Jan)
09:00 hodin
Business Confidence (Jan)
09:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
09:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
09:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
09:00 hodin
PPI (Dec)
09:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
09:00 hodin
PPI (Dec)
09:00 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Dec)
09:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
09:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
08:00 hodin
PPI (Dec)
08:00 hodin
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
08:00 hodin
Core Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hodin
Consumer Inflation Expectations (Jan)
08:00 hodin
6-Month ATB Auction
08:00 hodin
Consumer Confidence (Jan)
08:00 hodin
Consumer Confidence (Jan)
08:00 hodin
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hodin
3-Month ATB Auction
08:00 hodin
KOF Leading Indicators (Jan)
08:00 hodin
Business Confidence (Jan)
08:00 hodin
Business Confidence (Jan)
08:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hodin
PPI (Dec)
08:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:30 hodin
Balance of Trade (Nov)
07:00 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Balance of Trade (Dec)
07:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
07:00 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Economic Confidence Index (Jan)
07:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
07:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Loan Growth (Dec)
06:30 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
06:30 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
06:30 hodin
Household Consumption (Dec)
06:00 hodin
M3 Money Supply (Dec)
06:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
06:00 hodin
Private Sector Credit (Dec)
05:30 hodin
Business Confidence (Jan)
23:50 hodin
Stock Investment by Foreigners (Jan/25)
23:50 hodin
Foreign Bond Investment (Jan/25)
21:45 hodin
Exports (Dec)
21:45 hodin
Imports (Dec)
21:45 hodin
Balance of Trade (Dec)
21:30 hodin
Interest Rate Decision
19:30 hodin
Fed Press Conference
19:00 hodin
Fed Interest Rate Decision
16:30 hodin
17-Week Bill Auction
15:30 hodin
EIA Refinery Crude Runs Change (Jan/24)
15:30 hodin
BoC Press Conference
15:30 hodin
EIA Crude Oil Imports Change (Jan/24)
15:30 hodin
EIA Crude Oil Stocks Change (Jan/24)
15:30 hodin
EIA Cushing Crude Oil Stocks Change (Jan/24)
15:30 hodin
EIA Distillate Fuel Production Change (Jan/24)
15:30 hodin
EIA Distillate Stocks Change (Jan/24)
15:30 hodin
EIA Gasoline Production Change (Jan/24)
15:30 hodin
EIA Gasoline Stocks Change (Jan/24)
15:30 hodin
EIA Heating Oil Stocks Change (Jan/24)
14:45 hodin
BoC Interest Rate Decision
13:45 hodin
BoC Monetary Policy Report
13:30 hodin
Retail Inventories Ex Autos (Dec)
13:30 hodin
Wholesale Inventories (Dec)
13:30 hodin
Goods Trade Balance (Dec)
12:20 hodin
M1 Money Supply (Dec)
12:00 hodin
MBA Mortgage Market Index (Jan/24)
12:00 hodin
M1 Money Supply (Nov)
12:00 hodin
MBA 30-Year Mortgage Rate (Jan/24)
12:00 hodin
MBA Mortgage Applications (Jan/24)
12:00 hodin
MBA Mortgage Refinance Index (Jan/24)
12:00 hodin
MBA Purchase Index (Jan/24)
12:00 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Dec)
11:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
11:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
11:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
11:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
11:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
11:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
10:30 hodin
10-Year Bund Auction
10:10 hodin
6-Month BOT Auction
10:00 hodin
Tourist Arrivals (Dec)
10:00 hodin
10-Year Green Gilt Auction
10:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
10:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
09:00 hodin
Loans to Households (Dec)
09:00 hodin
Bank Austria Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
09:00 hodin
M3 Money Supply (Dec)
09:00 hodin
Consumer Confidence (Jan)
09:00 hodin
Loans to Companies (Dec)
09:00 hodin
Business Confidence (Jan)
08:30 hodin
Riksbank Rate Decision
08:15 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hodin
Interest Rate Decision
08:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
08:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
07:00 hodin
Household Lending Growth (Dec)
07:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
07:00 hodin
GDP (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Gfk Consumer Confidence (Feb)
07:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
06:00 hodin
Balance of Trade (Dec)
06:00 hodin
Business Confidence (Jan)
05:00 hodin
Consumer Confidence (Jan)
21:30 hodin
API Crude Oil Stock Change (Jan/24)
21:00 hodin
Interest Rate Decision
18:00 hodin
2-Year FRN Auction
18:00 hodin
Money Supply (Dec)
18:00 hodin
7-Year Note Auction
15:30 hodin
Dallas Fed Services Index (Jan)
15:30 hodin
Dallas Fed Services Revenues Index (Jan)
15:00 hodin
Richmond Fed Manufacturing Index (Jan)
15:00 hodin
Richmond Fed Manufacturing Shipments Index (Jan)
15:00 hodin
CB Consumer Confidence (Jan)
15:00 hodin
Richmond Fed Services Index (Jan)
14:00 hodin
S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price (Nov)
14:00 hodin
House Price Index (Nov)
14:00 hodin
House Price Index (Nov)
14:00 hodin
House Price Index (Nov)
14:00 hodin
S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price (Nov)
13:55 hodin
Redbook (Jan/25)
13:30 hodin
Durable Goods Orders (Dec)
13:30 hodin
Durable Goods Orders ex Defense (Dec)
13:30 hodin
Durable Goods Orders Ex Transp (Dec)
13:30 hodin
Non Defense Goods Orders Ex Air (Dec)
13:00 hodin
M2 Money Supply (Dec)
13:00 hodin
Private Bank Lending (Dec)
13:00 hodin
Interest Rate Decision
11:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
11:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
11:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
11:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
10:30 hodin
2-Year Schatz Auction
10:10 hodin
BTP€i Auction
10:10 hodin
BTP Short Term Auction
10:10 hodin
2-Year BTP Short Term Auction
10:00 hodin
Wage Growth (Q3)
10:00 hodin
10-Year Index-Linked Treasury Gilt Auction
09:30 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
09:30 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
09:00 hodin
Tourist Arrivals (Dec)
08:00 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Q4)
07:45 hodin
Consumer Confidence (Jan)
07:30 hodin
Inflation Rate (Dec)
07:30 hodin
Inflation Rate (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Household Consumption (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Leading Business Cycle Indicator (Nov)
05:00 hodin
PPI (Dec)
05:00 hodin
Export Prices (Dec)
05:00 hodin
Import Prices (Dec)
05:00 hodin
6-Month T-Bill Auction
18:00 hodin
5-Year Note Auction
18:00 hodin
2-Year Note Auction
16:30 hodin
6-Month Bill Auction
16:30 hodin
3-Month Bill Auction
15:30 hodin
Dallas Fed Manufacturing Index (Jan)
15:00 hodin
New Home Sales (Dec)
15:00 hodin
New Home Sales (Dec)
14:00 hodin
Business Confidence (Jan)
14:00 hodin
Balance of Trade (Dec)
14:00 hodin
6-Month BTF Auction
14:00 hodin
3-Month BTF Auction
14:00 hodin
12-Month BTF Auction
14:00 hodin
Consumer Confidence (Jan)
13:30 hodin
Wholesale Sales (Dec)
13:00 hodin
Building Permits (Dec)
13:00 hodin
Building Permits (Dec)
12:00 hodin
IPCA mid-month CPI (Jan)
12:00 hodin
Balance of Trade (Dec)
12:00 hodin
IPCA mid-month CPI (Jan)
11:30 hodin
BCB Focus Market Readout
11:00 hodin
Total Credit (Dec)
11:00 hodin
Jobseekers Total (Dec)
11:00 hodin
Manufacturing PMI (Dec)
11:00 hodin
Unemployment Benefit Claims (Dec)
10:45 hodin
EU Bond Auction
09:30 hodin
Business Confidence (Jan)
09:00 hodin
Ifo Expectations (Jan)
09:00 hodin
Ifo Current Conditions (Jan)
09:00 hodin
Balance of Trade (Dec)
09:00 hodin
Ifo Business Climate (Jan)
08:40 hodin
PPI (Nov)
08:30 hodin
Imports (Dec)
08:30 hodin
Balance of Trade (Dec)
08:30 hodin
Exports (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Capacity Utilization (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Imports (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Industrial Production (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Industrial Production (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Exports (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Business Confidence (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Balance of Trade (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Balance of Trade (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
06:00 hodin
Consumer Confidence (Jan)
05:00 hodin
2-Year Bond Yield
05:00 hodin
Coincident Index (Nov)
05:00 hodin
Leading Economic Index (Nov)
05:00 hodin
MAS 12-Week Bill Auction
05:00 hodin
MAS 4-Week Bill Auction
00:00 hodin
Republic Day
00:00 hodin
Duarte's Day
23:30 hodin
Tokyo Core CPI (Jan)
23:30 hodin
Tokyo CPI (Jan)
23:30 hodin
Tokyo CPI Ex Food and Energy (Jan)
23:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
23:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
21:00 hodin
Business Confidence (Jan)
20:30 hodin
CFTC Japan Speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC Mexico Speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC New Zealand Speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC Palladium Speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC Platinum Speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC Aluminium Speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC Australia Speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC Brazil Speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC Canada Speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC Copper Speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC European Union Speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC Gold Speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC Silver Speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC Switzerland Speculative net positions
20:30 hodin
CFTC United Kingdom Speculative net positions
18:00 hodin
Baker Hughes Total Rigs Count (Jan/24)
18:00 hodin
Baker Hughes Oil Rig Count (Jan/24)
17:30 hodin
Current Account (Q2)
17:00 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Dec)
16:00 hodin
Kansas Fed Composite Index (Jan)
16:00 hodin
PPI (Dec)
16:00 hodin
Kansas Fed Manufacturing Index (Jan)
15:00 hodin
Michigan Inflation Expectations (Jan)
15:00 hodin
Business Confidence (Dec)
15:00 hodin
Michigan Current Conditions (Jan)
15:00 hodin
Michigan Consumer Sentiment (Jan)
15:00 hodin
Michigan Consumer Expectations (Jan)
15:00 hodin
Existing Home Sales (Dec)
15:00 hodin
Existing Home Sales (Dec)
15:00 hodin
Michigan 5 Year Inflation Expectations (Jan)
14:45 hodin
S&P Global Composite PMI (Jan)
14:45 hodin
S&P Global Services PMI (Jan)
14:45 hodin
S&P Global Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
13:30 hodin
New Housing Price Index (Dec)
13:30 hodin
Chicago Fed National Activity Index (Dec)
13:30 hodin
Manufacturing Sales (Dec)
13:30 hodin
New Housing Price Index (Dec)
13:00 hodin
Prime Overdraft Rate
13:00 hodin
M3 Money Supply (Dec)
12:30 hodin
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Dec)
12:00 hodin
CFIB Business Barometer (Jan)
12:00 hodin
Economic Activity (Nov)
12:00 hodin
PPI (Dec)
12:00 hodin
Economic Activity (Nov)
11:30 hodin
Foreign Exchange Reserves (Jan/17)
11:00 hodin
Balance of Trade (Nov)
11:00 hodin
CBI Distributive Trades (Jan)
11:00 hodin
Composite Economic Index (Dec)
11:00 hodin
FGV Consumer Confidence (Jan)
11:00 hodin
ECB Cipollone Speech
10:00 hodin
ECB President Lagarde Speech
10:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Dec)
10:00 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Dec)
10:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Dec)
10:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Dec)
10:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Dec)
10:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Dec)
10:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Dec)
10:00 hodin
PPI (Dec)
10:00 hodin
Industrial Production (Dec)
09:30 hodin
Consumer Confidence (Jan)
09:30 hodin
S&P Global Services PMI (Jan)
09:30 hodin
Tourist Arrivals (Dec)
09:30 hodin
S&P Global Composite PMI (Jan)
09:30 hodin
S&P Global Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
09:00 hodin
HCOB Services PMI (Jan)
09:00 hodin
HCOB Composite PMI (Jan)
09:00 hodin
HCOB Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
09:00 hodin
PPI (Dec)
09:00 hodin
PPI (Dec)
09:00 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Dec)
08:30 hodin
HCOB Services PMI (Jan)
08:30 hodin
HCOB Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
08:30 hodin
HCOB Composite PMI (Jan)
08:15 hodin
HCOB Services PMI (Jan)
08:15 hodin
HCOB Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
08:15 hodin
HCOB Composite PMI (Jan)
08:00 hodin
Consumer Confidence (Jan)
08:00 hodin
PPI (Dec)
08:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
08:00 hodin
Business Confidence (Jan)
07:30 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Dec)
07:00 hodin
PPI (Dec)
07:00 hodin
PPI (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Business Confidence (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Employed Persons (Dec)
06:00 hodin
Import Prices (Dec)
06:00 hodin
PPI (Dec)
06:00 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Dec)
06:00 hodin
Export Prices (Dec)
05:00 hodin
HSBC Services PMI (Jan)
05:00 hodin
Industrial Production (Dec)
05:00 hodin
HSBC Composite PMI (Jan)
05:00 hodin
Industrial Production (Dec)
05:00 hodin
HSBC Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
23:50 hodin
Imports (Dec)
23:50 hodin
Balance of Trade (Dec)
23:50 hodin
Exports (Dec)
22:00 hodin
Judo Bank Services PMI (Jan)
22:00 hodin
Judo Bank Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
22:00 hodin
Judo Bank Composite PMI (Jan)
21:45 hodin
Inflation Rate (Q4)
21:45 hodin
Inflation Rate (Q4)
21:30 hodin
Fed Balance Sheet (Jan/22)
21:00 hodin
Interest Rate Decision
21:00 hodin
Consumer Confidence (Jan)
19:00 hodin
Economic Activity (Nov)
18:00 hodin
10-Year TIPS Auction
17:00 hodin
30-Year Mortgage Rate (Jan/23)
17:00 hodin
15-Year Mortgage Rate (Jan/23)
17:00 hodin
30-Year Bond Auction
16:30 hodin
4-Week Bill Auction
16:30 hodin
8-Week Bill Auction
15:30 hodin
EIA Natural Gas Stocks Change (Jan/17)
15:00 hodin
Consumer Confidence (Jan)
13:30 hodin
Initial Jobless Claims (Jan/18)
13:30 hodin
Retail Sales Ex Autos (Nov)
13:30 hodin
Continuing Jobless Claims (Jan/11)
13:30 hodin
Retail Sales (Nov)
13:30 hodin
Retail Sales (Nov)
13:30 hodin
Jobless Claims 4-week Average (Jan/18)
13:30 hodin
Federal Tax Revenues (Dec)
12:00 hodin
Mid-month Inflation Rate (Jan)
12:00 hodin
Mid-month Inflation Rate (Jan)
12:00 hodin
Mid-month Core Inflation Rate (Jan)
12:00 hodin
Mid-month Core Inflation Rate (Jan)
11:30 hodin
Foreign Exchange Reserves (Jan/17)
11:00 hodin
28-Year Index-Linked OAT Auction
11:00 hodin
CBI Industrial Trends Orders (Jan)
11:00 hodin
CBI Business Optimism Index (Q1)
11:00 hodin
Index-Linked OAT Auction
11:00 hodin
Building Permits (Nov)
11:00 hodin
Interest Rate Decision
11:00 hodin
OATi Auction
11:00 hodin
Overnight Borrowing Rate (Jan)
11:00 hodin
Overnight Lending Rate (Jan)
11:00 hodin
TCMB Interest Rate Decision
11:00 hodin
15-Year Index-Linked OAT Auction
11:00 hodin
14-Year Index-Linked OAT Auction
10:00 hodin
3-Year OAT Auction
10:00 hodin
OAT Auction
10:00 hodin
Consumer Confidence (Jan)
10:00 hodin
5-Year OAT Auction
10:00 hodin
4-Year Treasury Gilt Auction
09:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
09:00 hodin
Norges Bank Interest Rate Decision
08:20 hodin
M2 Money Supply (Dec)
08:00 hodin
Industrial Production (Dec)
08:00 hodin
Consumer Confidence (Dec)
08:00 hodin
Interest Rate Decision
08:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Dec)
07:45 hodin
Business Climate Indicator (Jan)
07:45 hodin
Business Confidence (Jan)
07:30 hodin
Gross Wage (Nov)
07:00 hodin
Consumer Confidence (Jan)
07:00 hodin
Consumer Confidence (Jan)
06:00 hodin
Balance of Trade (Nov)
06:00 hodin
Exports (Nov)
06:00 hodin
Imports (Nov)
05:30 hodin
Consumer Confidence (Jan)
05:00 hodin
Core Inflation Rate (Dec)
05:00 hodin
1-Year T-Bill Auction
05:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Dec)
05:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Dec)
05:00 hodin
20-Year KTB Auction
23:50 hodin
Exports (Dec)
23:50 hodin
Imports (Dec)
23:50 hodin
Stock Investment by Foreigners (Jan/18)
23:50 hodin
Foreign Bond Investment (Jan/18)
23:50 hodin
Balance of Trade (Dec)
23:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
23:00 hodin
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
21:45 hodin
Visitor Arrivals (Nov)
21:30 hodin
API Crude Oil Stock Change (Jan/17)
21:00 hodin
Business Confidence (Jan)
19:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Nov)
18:00 hodin
20-Year Bond Auction
16:30 hodin
17-Week Bill Auction
15:00 hodin
CB Leading Index (Dec)
15:00 hodin
Balance of Trade (Nov)
15:00 hodin
Imports (Nov)
14:00 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Nov)
13:55 hodin
Redbook (Jan/18)
13:30 hodin
Raw Materials Prices (Dec)
13:30 hodin
PPI (Dec)
13:30 hodin
Raw Materials Prices (Dec)
13:30 hodin
PPI (Dec)
12:00 hodin
MBA Mortgage Applications (Jan/17)
12:00 hodin
MBA Mortgage Refinance Index (Jan/17)
12:00 hodin
MBA 30-Year Mortgage Rate (Jan/17)
12:00 hodin
MBA Mortgage Market Index (Jan/17)
12:00 hodin
MBA Purchase Index (Jan/17)
11:30 hodin
M3 Money Supply (Jan/10)
11:10 hodin
3-Month Bill Auction
11:10 hodin
6-Month Bill Auction
11:00 hodin
Residential Property Prices (Nov)
11:00 hodin
PPI (Dec)
11:00 hodin
PPI (Dec)
11:00 hodin
Residential Property Prices (Nov)
11:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Nov)
11:00 hodin
Retail Sales (Nov)
11:00 hodin
Wholesale Prices (Dec)
11:00 hodin
Wholesale Prices (Dec)
10:30 hodin
15-Year Bund Auction
10:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Dec)
10:00 hodin
Industrial Production (Nov)
09:00 hodin
Industrial Production (Dec)
09:00 hodin
Corporate Sector Wages (Dec)
09:00 hodin
Employment Growth (Dec)
09:00 hodin
PPI (Dec)
09:00 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Dec)
08:00 hodin
M2 Money Supply (Dec)
08:00 hodin
Unemployment Rate (Dec)
08:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Dec)
08:00 hodin
Inflation Rate (Dec)
08:00 hodin
Core Inflation Rate (Dec)
08:00 hodin
Core Inflation Rate (Dec)
08:00 hodin
Total Credit Growth (Dec)
08:00 hodin
PPI (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Public Sector Net Borrowing Ex Banks (Dec)
07:00 hodin
Interest Rate Decision
21:30 hodin
API Crude Oil Stock Change (Jan/17)
20:00 hodin
Balance of Trade (Dec)
16:30 hodin
52-Week Bill Auction
13:55 hodin
Redbook (Jan/18)